Severe weather photos and videos by
meteorologist & stormchaser J.R. Hehnly
Email questions or comments
All images and videos on this site
J.R. Hehnly
Use by permission only.
June 16, 2005 - Oklahoma Panhandle
June 12, 2005 - Kent County, Texas Tornados
June 5, 2005 - Southwest Oklahoma, Snyder Tornado<
June 4, 2005 - South-central Oklahoma, Marlow Tornado<
May 12, 2005 - Texas Panhandle, South Plains Tornado
May 6, 2005 - Southeast Nebraska
April 21, 2005 - Southeast Kansas, Parsons Tornado
April 10, 2005 - South Central Kansas
April 5, 2005 - Eastern Oklahoma
Send your
questions or
comments to
J.R. Hehnly