March 27, 2004
Severe weather photos and videos by
meteorologist & stormchaser J.R. Hehnly
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©J.R. Hehnly
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March 27, 2004 - Western Oklahoma, Custer City Tornado

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Left Oklahoma City around 11:30am with an initial target of Elk City. That's where we ended up intercepting our first storm. It had broad rotation and an occasional lowering, but could not seem to wrap itself up. Finally saw our first tornado of the day near Custer City. It was not down long, though. Ended up following the storm to Watonga before breaking off to intercept the southern storm that was near Clinton. This storm looked great being backlit by a setting sun. Followed it into Okarche before calling it a night and heading home.

I-40 approaching Elk City, 1:30pm. Looking west.

I-40 and Hwy 34, 1:45pm. Looking west as storm moved in.

 Hwy 44 near Foss Reservoir, 2:15pm. Strong rotation seen as storm moved across west end of lake.

 Hwy 44 approaching Butler, 3:00pm. Hail covers the road.

US 183, 3:20pm. Aaron Kennedy watches for another funnel after catching a thin needle tornado a few minutes earlier.

Hwy 33 just east of Custer City, 3:30pm. Finally catch a glimpse of the tornado.

Hwy 47 just west of Thomas, 3:45pm. Nice panorama.

US 270/ US 281 west of Watonga, 4:30pm.

US 281 south of Geary, 5:07pm. Looking west toward Weatherford  at the tornado warned storm.

I-40 near Hydro, 5:20pm. Looking west at a wonderful backlit supercell.

US 270 east of Geary, 6:25pm. Another nice panorama.

North of Calumet on N2740, 6:35pm. Another wall cloud as the storm approaches Okarche.

March 27, 2004 April 9, 2004 April 21, 2004 WeatherBug 2004 May 12, 2004 May 13, 2004 May 18, 2004 May 23, 2004 May 24, 2004 May 26, 2004 May 29, 2004 June 12, 2004 July 2, 2004 July 5, 2004 October 29, 2004

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Send your questions or comments to J.R. Hehnly