April 9, 2004 - Southeastern Oklahoma Storms
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3:30pm. In Ardmore, waiting for something to happen. 3:30pm
4:00pm. Looking south we finally see some cells fire up.
4:35pm. We intercept the cells east of Ardmore.

5:35pm. East of Madill we get a rotating wall cloud and some funnels
forming off of it.
Real Media clip(1.66 MB)
Media clip (1.15 MB) (not working with media
player 9 unless you right-click and save it first.
If you know why, let me know)

6:00pm. A little farther east, wall cloud reforms. The storm
right-turns and dives south. We have no south road options because of Lake
Texhoma and get swallowed by the precip core. Fortunately the hail is no bigger
than dimes.

We end up giving up near Hugo around 9:00pm.